News / Art

Cick-ass Corgi November 5, 2011

Got sent this sweet bit of Corgi action from Prollyisnotprobably. Thanks Mr. Prolly!

Turbo powered November 4, 2011

Designing and spec-ing all the parts on a bike can be a lot of fun. It’s also a constant trade off where you battle with cost vs. quality. You want to use the best quality parts available, but you don’t want to design a bike that is too expensive.


Fairdale Messenger Bag November 4, 2011

Check out the Fairdale Messenger Bike Bag (MSRP $69.99).
We’ve taken the traditional messenger bag to the next level. Now you can actually carry your messenger bike with you everywhere you go. Let’s face it, riding a fixed gear is hard. Now you can have the style of messenger without having to actually ride the bike.


Perry Doom flashback October 31, 2011

Perry Mervar – AFA Austin, TX 1989 from 990Adjustments on Vimeo.

I don’t feel like I get to see enough Perry Dooms these days (jumping from back pegs to grip ride). It would be even more impressive with 10 inch tall bars. Its a great run from back in the day, but check 02:19 especially.

Afro Pat Fairdale Art October 27, 2011

I got sent some really cool Fairdale art from my buddy and legendary BMX innovator Afro Pat. Pretty stoked!

Bonus: I did a Google image search for Pat Schreader to find a picture of him and it auto corrected my search to Fat Shredder. Hmmmmm….

Fairdale on Bicycle Retailer October 26, 2011

Fairdale got a little write up over at Bicycle Retailer and we appreciate it very much! Thanks guys.  I want to know why I have to get up so early for work if I’m retired.

Check out the story here.

JC and how bikes are made (now with working link) October 24, 2011

Jim Cielencki long time BMX pro and head of Sunday Bikes (and a Fairdale rider by the way) has an interview over on ESPN about making bike frames overseas. He’s my office mate here at OTX Design (which house’s the engineering studio for Sunday Bikes, Odyssey, and of course Fairdale). I found it really informative even though I share an office with him! On my recent trip to Taiwan I was blown away by how incredibly high tech the manufacturing facilities were. It was sort of bike building heaven where it seemed like whole cities were devoted to creating bikes. …. ah… but… I am from near Detroit and with a family in the auto industry I fully understand the desire to keep manufacturing in the states. Anyway, JC’s interview has some really interesting points on building bikes and its cool to hear about all the technology that goes into a really high end BMX. Its tech we can eventually apply to Fairdale too so its good to know.

Check the story here.

NOTE: I fixed the above link so it actually goes to ESPN now… instead of back to this same post… oops.

Sweet new idea for coating bikes (re-up) October 20, 2011

With the outstanding success of our new Dograck for animal lovers we thought it might be appropriate to repost our concept bikes for animal skin lovers. There are other ways to carry animal carcass’s on a bike you know.

Feb 16, 2011

Thanks to Bike Snob I learned about this rather startling $27,000 fixed gear bike.

This bike is completely covered in hand stitched “water buffalo leather”. Although water buffalo leather is undeniably classy I was thinking maybe we could accomplish some of the same type of thing for Fairdale on a slightly lower costs basis. We’re always trying to bring you the latest and greatest in bicycle technology, but we believe it should be affordable.


Fairdale Dograck (or Catrack) October 19, 2011

****** Update: REALLY!! Far too many people are leaving annoyed comments. C’mon… It’s a joke!!!! It’s photoshop (and purposely bad photoshop!! I mean, a 130lb lab on a saddle bag?) No dog was ever even lifted off the ground. We love dogs here. Always have, our office is full of them. We understand our photo is out in the wild confusing people we promise it was all done in good fun and none of our pets were ever even a little bit annoyed by the photo shoot (let alone actually installed on to bicycles). There’s no way that this would work in the real world of course! 




There’s always been a battle between man’s two best friends… his bike and his dog. And until now there has been no perfect solution for attaching a dog to a bicycle.


Reinventing the Wheel October 19, 2011

I was looking around today for cool ideas and found a few that really deserved to be brought together. We could just be happy riding around on a plain old normal bike or we could invent something totally sweet!

F-1 bikes are so ready for a comeback. Can Fairdale make them please please! Imagine Crabon Fiber® fairing paired with wheel discs! It could be amazing.

I actually witnessed one of the few F-1 races at a NBL national BMX race at Waterford Oaks, MI back in the 1900’s. I wanna’ say Tinker Jaurez won just prior to taking over mountain biking. It was so weird. People racing around haybales in a parking lot with oval sprockets.

This guys got Penny Farthing shoes! An obvious natural progression from penny loafers I guess.

Testing samples in Sydney & China 2009 from Chariot Skates on Vimeo.

Off Road roller skates skis? I actually used to work at a cross country ski rental place when I was like 13. I remember using something sort of like this that was some early version of a summer time cross country ski. Kind of fun and the advertising media show clear babe getting potential.

Did I ever tell you about the time I was at a dirt jumping comp in Australia and there were off road roller bladers hired to jump the jumps? It was carnage!!!

Snakeboards! Shimy, shimy and shimy for speed!

Get razor-scootin!

I know, I know.. razor scooter killers!

I guess this is kind of like riding a rolling stool around?

I’m kind of into surfing on a remote control car. Seems like a pretty cool thing to do.