One of the features on the Taj bike is that it has a Potts Mod. This early 80’s BMX innovation can sometimes be confusing to younger riders and mechanics who weren’t even alive back when this doo-dad was popular.
The Taj has a Potts Mod April 24, 2015
Win a one of a kind Austin Beerworks x Fairdale Flyer April 15, 2015
This sunday, April 19th, you can win this one of a kind Austin Beerworks x Fairdale Flyer bicycle at Easy Tiger. The Easy Tiger “Easy Sunday” hosted events are always a good time (we’ve been to a few of them). This time the event includes a cruise starting at Windmill Bikes starting at 12:30pm. The easy going cruise will end up down at Easy Tiger where Austin Beerworks will provide $1 cans of their wonderful beer, there will be live screen printing, good food, mellow sunday fun and potential bike winning!
BSS Gravel Grinder and MJ Classic MTB race March 12, 2015
Our man Sandy Carson has been out and about riding bikes with his crew, The Sativa Rollers, and shooting photos. He sent over a little report…
Two weekends ago, we rode the Bicycle Sport Shop Gravel Grinder. It’s a 50 mile ride on a jeep road through Rocky Hill Ranch and Buescher State Park. It was bloody freezing rain!
Here’s a coupla photos from that-
Something Cool About Our Cables February 20, 2015
From the beginning we have used Linear Slic Kables® made for us by Odyssey BMX on all of our disc brake equipped bikes. It’s a detail you can’t see from the outside but makes a big difference. We’ve found that the combination of mechanical disc brakes paired with the tough, compression-less Linear cable housing provides superior braking. Traditional coiled brake housing can feel especially mushy when used with disc brakes. The stiffer Linear housing applies much more of your brake force to the disc and feels much more solid.
We also keep the cable housing un-broken from the brake lever all the way to the brakes. This helps keep any weather you might encounter from corroding the inner cable wire. This keeps your brakes running smoothly with less maintenance.
Sandy Carson is out there February 19, 2015
Sandy Carson has been having some fun on bikes recently. He raced at the season opener of the TMBRA at the Rocky Hill Ranch and then did the Chihuahuan Desert Dirt Fest ride though Big Bend National Park.
A Bieszczady Field Trip February 5, 2015
Our friends from PNT Magazine took their Weekenders for a tour through the Bieszczady mountains on the edge of Poland. They came back with some of the most amazing photos! Thanks so much for sharing guys! You can download the latest PNT Magazine free from their website too. Read on to check out their adventure…
It was early autumn 2013 when the three of us decided to switch to bike touring. Bart and Dodo, avid fixie riders, were ready to move on to a different kind of biking (less taxing on the joints), I wanted to get out of the city and its immediate surroundings and start doing longer rides. Thus, an idea was born, a common goal which would see us debate, plan, map out, and finally set off on our first big journey. More
Parser review from Cyclocross Magazine February 3, 2015
Cyclocross Magazine did a nice thorough review of our 2015 Parser for their issue 27. It’s worth a read even if your considering buying a Parser for more urban uses. Our Parser has morphed through the years into a tough urban single-speed that now is fairly adapted even to CX use. Thanks soooo much to Cyclocross Magazine and check the full review below OR, better yet check out the full issue on a news stand or digitally from the Cyclocross Magazine website. More
We Hold A Torch For Chromoly January 30, 2015
A Story about our Drawnright tubing and the Goodship.
Bicycle frame builders can use butted tube sets to save weight, to control the feel of the frame and to improve durability by moving the “flex” of the frame away from critical places like welds and other highly stressed areas. A lot of brands and frame builders will point out that they are using “butted tubes”, however, when using an off-the-shelf tube set, the position and thickness of the butting will generally be designed to work on a wide range of frame sizes and geometries, and this can create a mix of benefits that are largely a compromise. Therefore, when it comes to designing the frame they are limited to working within the constraints and benefits of the off-the-shelf tube set that they have chosen for the project.
Our Distro has a new website December 15, 2014
In the USA Fairdale is sold to bike shops (mostly) by Full Factory Distribution. Full Factory is our own distro and they also sell Sunday, Odyssey and G-sport. They have totally revamped the catalog section making it much easier for bike shops to purchase our products. Only bike shops can buy from Full Factory, but if there is a shop you wish carried Fairdale feel free to point them this way! Check out Full Factory here: Full Factory Distribution
BTI, QBP and J&B Importers also sell some of our products (like Skateracks, some frames, grips, ect).
The rest of the world can buy our bikes from our international partners here.
Push TO Pedal Documentary December 15, 2014
I found this to be really inspiring. One of those “get out there and do something kind of videos”. Also, check out our Skaterack in action!