News / Author Archive

  RAGBRAI Day 1Sioux Center to Cherokee, 55 Miles The first day started significantly earlier than I thought. The overwhelming sound of zippers proved too difficult to sleep through even tucked soundly under the feet of the sleeping bag. I needed to make sure that Logan had the tent and gear packed up and in the truck by […]
  RAGBRAI 2012 Day 0  Day 0- Today we began our journey from East Moline to Sioux center for the start of RAGBRAI, the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. I was sent out from our office in Austin on a mission to accompany Logan, the gentle human who feeds me and will on occasion take me to […]
  Announcing our new team rider, Seth!Today we are proud to announce the arrival of our new Fairdale team rider Seth Holton.
  Leif Valin NCR Trail and Heritage Rail rideLeif Valin took a nice cruise while out on the East Coast and sent us a little photo essay. “Good little 45 mile ride from Baltimore to York, mostly under a canopy of trees passing through little towns. I started in Hunt Valley on the NCR trail which later turns in to the Heritage Rail Trail, […]
  Win a new Weekender July 22!We are giving away a brand new Weekender at the Star of Texas Bowl on July 22. The Texas Rollergirls All Star team will be selling raffle tickets. Check it out here and don’t miss a chance to win!
  Limited Edition Fairdale x Roger skateboards for saleWe just put up a handful of special edition Fairdale x Roger skateboards on our store.
  Ride to ParisIan Morris and Dean Hearne are getting ready to do a ride from Hastings, England to Paris, France and back again. It looks like they’re going to be doing the ride on their Fairdales too! Pretty stoked on this adventure for the guys. The ride benefits the Boyley Memorial skatepark in Hastings so check this […]
  Seattle To San Francisco Field Trip (in one post)We made a new Field Trips section on the website and consolidated the recent Fairdale Field Trip from Seattle to San Francisco into one travel log. Click HERE to view it!
  Bobby’s Bee Story  My co-worker Bobby Parker (Fairdale sales manager) sent me an amazing story while I was out on the Seattle to San Francisco Ride. I could picture the story so well as I read it that I felt like I had to illustrate it. Have a laugh!
  Win a Fairdale at the New York Grands this weekendGrand prize is a complete Fairdale! Pedal, pedal, pedal!
  Fairdale Zine 2 FREE on the web…. RE UPPEDI’m reposting this to try and get myself inspired to work on another zine.
  Bodega Bay to San Francisco,CA84 miles In the morning in the hotel I read that heading into SF on the twisty, windy, mountainous and shoulderless highway 1 during evening rush hour was about the worst thing you could do, so that’s exactly what we did.