News / Art

Peaceful Traveling October 19, 2011

I know not everyone lives in Austin or gets to ride 3 miles of the 9 miles to work on a quiet bike path along a river, but I sure am grateful I do! Just had one of those days where I can’t understand why anyone would be in a car… well, that and my car broke down again and was towed away.

I need a better dog carrying solution. I’m thinking it might time for some kind of cargo bike… or hell, we made a skaterack… maybe some kind of dog rack?


Jim Bauer dive bombs a Fairdale October 17, 2011

Jim Bauer is a man of many hats. Known for daredevil pro BMX riding, creative designing (for Odyssey, Sunday and even Fairdale), snazzy dresser and being an all around cool dude. Here he bombs his custom Fairdale down a hill in Long Beach that is so steep its illegal to ride a bike down it. He even gives his Parser’s Kevlar belted Continental tires a good test when he monster trucks through a broken cracked up part of the road at top speed.

Jim has done some of the scariest things ever on a bike. This Jeff Z photo is from Ride.

Always looking for new ways to see things Jim Bauer completely customized his Fairdale Parser in copper… came out pretty didn’t it?

JB’s one of a kind custom Fairdale sits on the end of the Fairdale line just to show off a bit.


Texas Toast Jam 2 October 11, 2011

Tomorrow I am touring Austin trying to nail down next year’s venue for Texas Toast Jam. We’re thinking the event will be in spring sometime but no date is yet confirmed. It is happening though!

The big question is what will we do this year? Like, for real, what the hell are we going to build this year? I have no clue. You guys got any ideas? The good thing is that with Ryan Corrigan heading up building stuff we know anything is possible.

Check out some of the amazing coverage from last year’s event all gathered together:

And what people were saying about Toast jam:

“Having a blast… don’t want the weekend to end.”
Scotty Cranmer
X-games gold medalist/ Champion of FOX TX TOAST Gauntlet of Death

“Best contest ever”
Gary Young
World Champion Street Rider/ 1st place pro dirt TX TOAST

Empire BMX

“I know the comp scene might be a little stale as of late, but that’s sure to change in the coming months, thanks in part to the Odyssey Texas Toast Jam.”

“Texas Toast has come and gone, and I really can’t think of a single thing that could have made the weekend better. Any expectations about the Odyssey BMX sponsored and Taj Mihelich organized event were certainly blown out of the water and there is no doubt in my mind that this was one of the best BMX events I’ve ever been to in my life.”

PHOTO ABOVE: Chase Hawk in one of my favorite photos from last years jam by Devon Hutchins.

Putting the “weeee” back in freewheel. October 7, 2011

Unsolicited art contribution from Alberto over in Denver. Pretty sweet ride!


Get a Fairdale Print Zine 2 September 26, 2011

Fairdale zine 2 is a very limited print run. There’s a handful of them in Austin if you’d like to pick one up. After they sell out we’ll put it up as a online version, but its always cooler to have a print version of a zine. 68 pages this time!

If you’re in the USA send $3 or $3 worth of stamps and I’ll mail one to you. If you’re outside of the USA just drop an email with your address and I’ll let you know how much it would cost ( We’ll throw in some stickers with the orders too.

Fairdale Bikes

4204 Machaca Rd

Austin, TX 78704

Heres the digital reprint of issue 1 just for the heck of it:



Drive to Michigan September 23, 2011

Drove up to Michigan for some family stuff. Took a few photos on the way. I love the map above is put out by the state. My family is a bit south of the “Thumb Area”.

Saw Empire making some deliveries dangerously close to Albe’s territory. Turf war?

Truck stop t-shirts are some of my favorite things. I love the new logo rip-off for god stuff. I might have to do the top 50 logos stolen for jesus.

At the I-69 Michigan Welcome center there is Vernors in the vending machines and sweet transitioned launches to play on.

10,000 bikes September 23, 2011

Got back from Interbike and ACL fest was happening in Austin. I didn’t see any of the music but I did take a ride down to check out all the bikes. The music festival has like 70,000 spectators and not one parking spot! Its a really amazing scene to see like 10,000 bikes parked out front.

I sat out front for a while and took photos of everyone who rode by… I was thinking it might be interesting to show a little photo series of the bikes normal people ride. Its wasn’t really that interesting. I did wish I had some chain lube though.. all those neglected bikes were squeaky!

Saw this way sweet ride.

Skateboard Rack! Chromoly and wood finally get along September 22, 2011

At long last the Fairdale Skaterack is finally in stock and shipping to shops. Expect to pay about $42 for the skaterack which includes everything you need to attach it to your bike’s rear rack and securely hold your skateboard.

Pedal and shred. Or something like that…. we need a good tagline.

Spandex and japan airs?

48×16 and 50/50?

Chromoly and wood?


Nora Cup Awards Backstage September 17, 2011

Some of the cups backstage after the show, including the one I got to give away to Garrett Reynolds

Some of the cups backstage after the show, including the one I got to give away to Garrett Reynolds

It happened again. I thought I had escaped having to go to Interbike but a the last minute Ride BMX Magazine asked me to present an award at Nora Cup. It is a big honor and so even though it wrapped a lot of my biggest anxieties into one (flying, Interbike, Vegas, and public speaking) I couldn’t say no. I was real nervous about having to give a speech but it was also a kind of fun nervousness… it would be the kind of embarrassment I would be laughing about.

Nora Cup was held inside the Pearl at the Palms Casino Resort. The Pearl is really nice… I found it hard to believe a BMX event was going to happen inside there. Incredible sound system and really cool design inside. Backstage they prepped us for how the show would run and how the awards would be presented. I was then told I should give a 1 to 3 minute speech about street riding. I was pretty afraid of what I might say so I hid away in my hotel room to try and write something. I actually did manage to write what I thought was a decent speech but I never really got to say it.

When the awards show started I was really amazed at how positive the energy was in the building. I mean, I guess thats why you go to an awards show… to be positive, but I guess I’m just used to a little more jadedness from the world. It was awesome though! Everyone was cheering for everyone and it felt good. The first award up was ramp rider some of the very O.G. guys of freestyle Dizz Hicks and Ceppie May presented that one. I was a real treat to meet those guys. I didn’t really hear what they said from backstage but the crowd seemed stoked! Dennis Enerson who was nominated for everything this year won that one.

After that came Woody Itson Presenting Flat. Woody lives in Dallas TX now and it was really amazing talking with him about the origins of freestyle and his Porsche ad I was messing with in photoshop just the other day. Hollywood Mike Miranda presented racer of the year. Hmmm… I think I’m forgetting the order, but Todd “The Wildman” Lyons announced the Dirt jumper of the year. When I was 13 or 14 and still racing BMX Todd was always one of the my favorites. He would have photos in the mags doing tricks in races. It was rad in the truest definition of the word. Chris Doyle won dirt again and that was really cool. Chris is the dirt jumper’s dirt jumper and rides the way we all wish we could. Then I was up to present…

Aggroman partially dressed

Aggroman partially dressed

They started up by playing a video of some of my old video clips. I was real stoked see they put in a one handed tail whip from the end of my Fox Expendable Youth section from Palavas. That was a real memorable moment for me since I ended up winning that contest and really throwing caution into the wind on that particular trick (and survived). When I got on stage there was a lot of loud cheering, and then some more, and then some more. I couldn’t hear myself think and I totally couldn’t talk. Seemed like the more self conscious and embarrassed I got the louder it got inside my head. The truth is it was probably just the drunk dudes in the front row yelling the loudest, but even so it was overwhelming and really flattering. Kind of felt like I had won an award. My speech was supposed to say something about how street riding is unique in that its progression is not linked to the terrain. If you think about it dirt jumps and ramps keep getting bigger and better and that leads to new types of riding, but the streets we ride haven’t changed. Some of the guys who got nominated had filmed video clips on spots I had rode almost 20 years earlier and had come up with new ways to see riding those spots that I could have never dreamed of. Thats really the amazing part of street riding. Its all about how the rider sees the world and how they can apply their skills to ride it.

The envelope before I had opened it.

The envelope before I had opened it.

Anyway, I got out about one or two sentences of that before bursting out laughing because it was just SO loud and at least partially because Mark Losey kept yelling monkey boy. The less of you who get that joke the better!

I got to open the envelope and incase you were wondering the presenters really truly don’t know who wins. They gave me the envelope right before I walked on stage and I was as curious as anyone. This years group of street nominees were all very possible winners. Dennis Enerson, Sean Burns, Dakota, and Nathan Williams are all amazing riders. Garrett Reynolds ended up winning and I am in total agreement. Everything that kid does is amazing and he’s so full of original riding it blows me away.

Bit of a blur for me after my job was done. Mat Hoffman dressed up in the original Aggroman suit and ran around and gave away best video part. It was complete with Eddie Roman backstage doing the voice over for Aggroman just like the video. If you’ve never seen Aggroman and don’t know what I’m talking about I highly reccommend you give yourself a history lesson and get the HB Triolgy DVD here or here. There’s some riding in there that will blow you away when you think about how long ago it was, and, you owe to your BMX roots to watch Aggroman and with that confused look that we all had the first time we saw it. Its an amazing video and if anyone is a super hero its Mat Hoffman!

It was dark and blurry backstage but I thought this photo has some cool metaphorical significance. Eddie Roman showed us we could make our own video anyway we wanted, and here he is making the hand off to video maker Will Stroud.

It was dark and blurry backstage but I thought this photo has some cool metaphorical significance. Eddie Roman showed us we could make our own video anyway we wanted, and here he is making the hand off to video maker Will Stroud.

The awards wrapped up with Will Stroud presenting best video part. Will was real nervous but he made it through and really got to cap off the night by awarding Anthem 2 the best video of the year. I was so happy for my friend Stew Johnson and all the Anthem guys. I do wish I had been healthy enough to have filmed some for that video, but I can take some comfort with a having a spot in Anthem 1. Stew’s words about Aitken (who was injured during filming for Anthem 2) was inspiring and backstage it was really cool to see how stoked those dudes all were on the very hard work they had all put into filming that video. They hung out for a while back there and I had to think it felt really good to work that hard on something and then have it be recognized in such a big way.

Nice job Ride mag! I was really stoked and honored to get to be a part of it. Sorry again I didn’t deliver my speech!


Zine 2! Yipee! September 13, 2011

Look what I finished today! Stoked.

I don’t actually have any copies yet but I should have some tomorrow that I’ll be taking with me to Interbike when I go on thursday. Maybe see you there if you want one?

I’ll post some info on how everyone else can get one next week once I’m back in town.

Zine 2 is 68 pages of stuff.