Taj uploaded an assortment of doodles into a flipbook. A lot of them are Fairdale stuff:
News / Art
Taj’s Drawing Dump #3 April 7, 2016
Francis presents: His Own Private Idaho March 3, 2016
The man who makes most of our videos, Francis Delapena, has been busy having fun making this auto-biography. Get ready for some entertainment!
Custom Skatedecks for a good cause November 16, 2015
Some of the Fairdale family and a whole lot of our friends have taken part in The Project Loop 50/50 for Taylor project. The non-profit sends out 100’s of blank skatedecks to artists and Fairdale employees to paint, draw or design on. The finished decks are being auctioned online right now until December 5. There is so many great decks to check out on the site… if nothing else it’s rad inspiration to see so many interpretations of what you can do with a skateboard. Our team rider Sandy Carson meticulously deconstructed his first SLR camera, Tim Kerr honors Jeff Phillips with his deck (Tim was once a hobo in one of our videos), Michael Sieben’s work is always awesome (and he once designed the Roger Bike for us), Jeremy Hrabal helped us out many times building Texas Toast and did this beautiful inlaid board, Jim Bauer is the art director for our mother company Odyssey BMX, is a big part of Fairdale, and put together this rad core sampled board, Steve Crandal helped us out as the announcer for TX Toast and painted a rad board, Aaron Ross has a couple Fairdales and came up with this giant skateboard/ cell phone thing. I drew the bat on a bike one here. Search around and find decks from Mat Hoffman and loads of other legends of skate and BMX. Also, tons of great artists contributed too. https://www.32auctions.com/50503 -Taj
Bike won’t make things worse. October 28, 2015
Pet Pegs October 27, 2015
Spent the morning goofing off doodling. Came up with another product for our Probably Going to Patent series: Pet Pegs. Taking your pet on bike rides can be difficult, but Pet Pegs will change that. Strap your animal to the pegs, mount the pegs to appropriate sized wheels, lock the tow rope to your bike and roll!
No Hair, No Air October 20, 2015
I’m working on some new Fairdale stickers. I keep thinking back to those old Stick ‘Em Up ads that used to be in the back of old BMX mags. Remember those things? Had all the silly slogan stickers like, “RAD,” or “CRASHING SUCKS,” or “No Posers.” This “No Hair, No Air” drawing isn’t going to be a sticker but I’ve always loved that slogan because I couldn’t ever make any sense of it. I think I finally cracked it! This is #2 in my shaved sheep series. -Taj
Sharks can ride and some Gnus October 15, 2015
Our Swan Badge October 9, 2015
Searching through some old drawing books I found some original sketches for our Swan badge. Fairdale is 5 years old now and we’ve done lots of growing and changing since then. One item that has stayed consistent is our headtube badge.
Thursday’s Doodle day October 1, 2015
BSS Gravel Grinder and MJ Classic MTB race March 12, 2015
Our man Sandy Carson has been out and about riding bikes with his crew, The Sativa Rollers, and shooting photos. He sent over a little report…
Two weekends ago, we rode the Bicycle Sport Shop Gravel Grinder. It’s a 50 mile ride on a jeep road through Rocky Hill Ranch and Buescher State Park. It was bloody freezing rain!
Here’s a coupla photos from that-