News / Author Archive

  Fairdale in Brazil!! (Irish dudes in Japan)Fairdale has now taken over Brazil. Reminds me of my Irish friends band who I helped release their CD in the USA a few years ago called “I Am Brazil“. They are currently touring Japan. The Redneck Manifresto Japan dates: Nov 11 | Tokyo – Shibuya O-NEST w/LITE,Mike Watt,and more… Nov 13 | Kyoto – […]
  Orange 20 and Hern’s Custom FairdaleWe are pretty stoked that Orange 20 Bike Shop in Los Angeles is carrying Fairdales.
  Complex’s Top 25 BMX Riders Right NowI wrote a little article over at Complex. I’m sure it will stir up some opinions and it was very difficult to try and come up with a list like that. There is some amazing riding videos in there for sure! The riding level in BMX has come sooo far! The 25 Best BMX Riders […]
  Cick-ass CorgiGot sent this sweet bit of Corgi action from Prollyisnotprobably. Thanks Mr. Prolly!
  Turbo poweredDesigning and spec-ing all the parts on a bike can be a lot of fun. It’s also a constant trade off where you battle with cost vs. quality. You want to use the best quality parts available, but you don’t want to design a bike that is too expensive.
  Fairdale Messenger BagCheck out the Fairdale Messenger Bike Bag (MSRP $69.99). We’ve taken the traditional messenger bag to the next level. Now you can actually carry your messenger bike with you everywhere you go. Let’s face it, riding a fixed gear is hard. Now you can have the style of messenger without having to actually ride the […]
  How to buy a fixed-gear bikeI wrote a little article for Complex on how to buy a fixed-gear bike. The majority of the tips apply to bike shopping in general. Incidentally none of the Fairdale bikes are fixed but you could throw a fixed cog on the other side of the hub if you were into that kind of thing. […]
  Fun event coming up from LOOPThe Project Loop is a pretty amazing group that among other things is teaching kids from the local high school how to build a pump track. If only dirt jump building had been an option on my high school curriculum! They also helped us out at the Texas Toast Jam with a lot of helpful […]
  Perry Doom flashbackPerry Mervar – AFA Austin, TX 1989 from 990Adjustments on Vimeo. I don’t feel like I get to see enough Perry Dooms these days (jumping from back pegs to grip ride). It would be even more impressive with 10 inch tall bars. Its a great run from back in the day, but check 02:19 especially.
  Fairdale’s new dealer in the UK. Sibot BMXSibot BMX in the UK just stocked up on some Fairdales. Pretty stoked to see this stuff getting out worldwide. I highly recommend checking out this cool shop: Sibot BMX . Thanks for supporting us too!
  Afro Pat Fairdale ArtI got sent some really cool Fairdale art from my buddy and legendary BMX innovator Afro Pat. Pretty stoked! Bonus: I did a Google image search for Pat Schreader to find a picture of him and it auto corrected my search to Fat Shredder. Hmmmmm….