News / Author Archive

  Check out some sweet new bikes!Take a look at our new bikes. Our full line will be in stock by the end of the month!
  Driving out eastGot on the road from Michigan (after Fed Ex brought me a new credit card to replace my stolen one) and started working my way east.
  Fairdale Road Trip Day 2 thru 4Day 2 was a pretty uneventful 7AM to 2AM drive. Shouldn’t really have taken that long but Monty and I stopped a lot. At one point I got bored and just decided to get lost off the highway and wander around some small town on the Illinois-Indiana border. All in all it was one of […]
  Road Trip Day 1I’m freestyling a route around the country something like this. Today I loaded up my new car and hit the road to do a loop of the eastern half of the country. I’m going to visit bike shops and show them the new Fairdales we have coming in. Thanks to a late start I only covered […]
  ESPN talks FairdaleESPN wrote a really nice piece about Fairdale and me that I’m very honored by. I guess it sort of chronicles my riding career and leads into the creation of Fairdale. Thanks guys -Taj “Over 25 years ago, a BMXer by the name of Taj Mihelich started a path through BMX that few had ever […]
  Fairdale x Roger / CoasterWe're really pleased to "officially" announce the Fairdale Roger bike. This collector's edition is only available in super limited quantities.
  Real Ride 2012This is by far the largest collection of Fairdale kits every assembled and I’m not even in the picture! Texas summer bike rides requires a thorough group sunscreen coverage session. Here the Full Factory/ OTX office and Sandy Carson prepare for the 85 miler.
  Big Bicycle RidesI’ve got a few big rides coming up so I started modifying my Weekender prototype bike to see how flexible a platform it is.
  Fairdale People: Parser Frame Build from up northAnother interesting application for our single speed Parser frame. This time from Canada.
  Shiner RideThe Shiner G.A.S.P. Ride is an annual 100 mile long ride from Austin to Shiner, Tx. It’s a fun ride that raises thousands for the United Way and it ends at the Shiner Brewery for a big party. Sandy Carson went out on the ride this year and sent back this report…
  New Fairdales now available for Pre-bookHey bike shops, Fairdale’s new line is available for pre-booking in the USA NOW through Full Factory Distribution. Please hit up Full Factory for information on 5 sweet new models we have coming very soon! Full Factory Distribution  512-382-9973
  Fairdale Track Bike RacingThis is kind of wrong but kind of amazing. Our Fairdale Parser bikes were made to be an all around single speed bike complete with rack and fender mounts and freewheel. Leave it to Hernan to do something weird with it like race around an oval track as as fixed gear. He’s already raced it […]