Spent the morning goofing off doodling. Came up with another product for our Probably Going to Patent series: Pet Pegs. Taking your pet on bike rides can be difficult, but Pet Pegs will change that. Strap your animal to the pegs, mount the pegs to appropriate sized wheels, lock the tow rope to your bike and roll!
Pet Pegs October 27, 2015
Pictures of cool looking Fairdales from Instagram October 26, 2015
I lurked around the #fairdalebikes hashtag on instagram and found a rad assortment of customized bikes. Stoked to see them, thanks y’all!
No Hair, No Air October 20, 2015
I’m working on some new Fairdale stickers. I keep thinking back to those old Stick ‘Em Up ads that used to be in the back of old BMX mags. Remember those things? Had all the silly slogan stickers like, “RAD,” or “CRASHING SUCKS,” or “No Posers.” This “No Hair, No Air” drawing isn’t going to be a sticker but I’ve always loved that slogan because I couldn’t ever make any sense of it. I think I finally cracked it! This is #2 in my shaved sheep series. -Taj
En Danseuse reviews the Goodship October 20, 2015
Assuming you read French you’ll probably enjoy reading this review of the Goodship from En Danseuse. Alternatively it’s always a good laugh to let Google translate it for you. Thanks so much for the support guys!
Good Company Watercolor T’s for men and women October 19, 2015
Electronical Video October 16, 2015
Dig BMX is celebrating 30 years of Odyssey BMX by posting the Electronical video in full. We use lots of Odyssey BMX parts on our bikes, the Fairdale brand is produced with Odyssey’s help and Taj has a section in the video. Check out some BMX action here.
Diego on the road October 16, 2015
Diego is hitting the road on monday and driving up the west coast. He’ll be visiting bike shops, pedaling around and taking pictures. He’s also organized a “Meet & Greet” evening at Velocult in Portland. He’ll be hanging around talking bikes and stuff for the evening. Come out for some fun and say hello!
Sharks can ride and some Gnus October 15, 2015
Fairdale west coast road trip October 12, 2015
Our Swan Badge October 9, 2015
Searching through some old drawing books I found some original sketches for our Swan badge. Fairdale is 5 years old now and we’ve done lots of growing and changing since then. One item that has stayed consistent is our headtube badge.