
Bobby’s Bee Story June 27, 2012


My co-worker Bobby Parker (Fairdale sales manager) sent me an amazing story while I was out on the Seattle to San Francisco Ride. I could picture the story so well as I read it that I felt like I had to illustrate it. Have a laugh!


Win a Fairdale at the New York Grands this weekend June 26, 2012

Grand prize is a complete Fairdale! Pedal, pedal, pedal!


Fairdale Zine 2 FREE on the web…. RE UPPED June 26, 2012

I’m reposting this to try and get myself inspired to work on another zine.


Bodega Bay to San Francisco,CA June 21, 2012


84 miles

In the morning in the hotel I read that heading into SF on the twisty, windy, mountainous and shoulderless highway 1 during evening rush hour was about the worst thing you could do, so that’s exactly what we did.


Fort Bragg to Bodega Bay, CA June 20, 2012


109 miles – Raised $1850 for Humane Society so far (today’s the last chance to donate!)

We started our trip out of Fort Bragg in usual fashion. Everyone got spandexed up, stuffed everything back into our bags and then rolled down to the nearest grocery store. Space is huge commodity in my bag so about all I could fit was 4 different energy and nut bars. Refilled my water bottles and took my turn watching the bikes while the other guys did their shopping.


Garbervile to Fort Bragg, CA June 19, 2012


67 miles

We stopped off at one of the many roadside tourist attractions along the 101, bigfoot’s house. I was itching to pedal. I didn’t even go inside to look. I don’t know what’s happened to me but all I want to do is get into my rhythm and spend the day riding. Wow! Apparently I have a rhythm!

Arcata to Garbervile, CA June 18, 2012


85 miles

Ok…. Let’s keep this short. It’s almost midnight and I’m tired. We didn’t really ride that far by our standard, but we did ride ALL DAY LONG.

Sunday morning gear update June 17, 2012

I woke up this morning thinking about our gear and how well it’s done. San Francisco is only 289 miles away on the most direct route (which we surely won’t take) and we are still rolling along splendidly. Since I met up with the trip in Portland the only breakdown of any kind was when I got a flat going 40 mph down a gravel road and pinched a tube when we crossed a sharp cement bridge crossing. I wondered why everyone else was slowing down… I thought they were just being wuss’s because of the skinny tires. I didn’t think about how hard it was to bunny hop the back wheel over a sharp edge with a heavy loaded rear rack on the bike.


Klamath to Arcata, CA June 17, 2012


63 miles – We woke up today with no cell phone reception but an email from our friend Rob Jensen (aka Solid Bikes BMX rider) saying he would meet us between 9-10am in “downtown” Klamath to take us on a tour thru the redwoods.


Gold Beach, OR to Klamath, Ca June 16, 2012


79 miles

We reluctantly left the best Motel 6 ever in Gold Beach and started pedaling through town. We spotted this tiny weird skatepark just down the street and thought it was too good not to ride. Sandy popped his bags off and started carving the bowl. We managed this iPhone snap that came out pretty rad!
