With Double Arm transplants entirely possible our god given rights could finally come to fruition. And I for one am fearful of the future.
You have the right to bear arms.
With Double Arm transplants entirely possible our god given rights could finally come to fruition. And I for one am fearful of the future.
You have the right to bear arms.
I always hoped Fairdale would be a bit of an art blog that had more things on it then just what I can come up with. Luckily I got a contribution last night from Leif Valin. Following up on the T-shirt/ stencil from yesterday’s post he sent over one of his own designs.
“i love stencils fast, cheap and easy
unlike my women
well educated,expensive and prude.
heres an owl made from bicycle chain and a couple cogs as the stencil”
Today I made 5 Fairdale T-shirts from the original art posted a few weeks ago here: Fairdale T-shirts.
A quick sketch…
… and here’s a quick stencil.
Add some spray paint…
And there we go!
Through on a couple more stencils for the eyes and nose, and then a little outlining with a sharpie.
Ta da!
Easy as that… Fairdale enters the market as a soft goods manufacturer!
Fairdale prides itself on being one of those companies that always seems to have its finger on the pulse of the newest and greatest things in cycling. But how do we do it? The truth is there is no big secret. We carefully monitor and catalog all available data so that we can analyze and quantify the upcoming styles and trends.
Here’s and example. We are all aware of the startling growth in handlebar size, but what has caused it? Fairdale has discovered a directly inverse correlation between the size of a riders pants and the size of his handlebars.
If we look at the early to mid 90s (known as the JNCO era) we can see that along with outrageously large pant size there was also a huge drop in handlebar size. Bars cut down so narrow that brake levers couldn’t fit between the grip and the crossbar were not unusual.
As time progressed and the disturbing excessively tight pants fashion entered BMX in the late 2000’s we can see that handlebar size has grown immensely.
At the beginning of 2010 we can see that two things have happened. Most riders pants have literally become so tight that the lower portion of the pant’s legs have literally exploded from the pant body leaving nothing but the shredded remains hanging from the rider’s waist. Secondly huge handlebars that are actually banned in international BMX race competitions due to overly large size are springing up everywhere. Manufacturer’s keen to cash into this market are quickly producing the biggest bars they can. But what could possibly come next?
Thanks to Fairdale’s ability to accurately trend-map we can give you a glimpse into the future. Here is 2012’s style. Specially made BMX banana hammocks and fantastically large handle bars leading to even more nose wheelies tricks and less candybars.
The future is limitless, but with the proper data and analytical ability it is not unexpected. Fairdale is here for you.
Just kidding about that title, but I did win a skateboard design contest over the weekend for the No-Comply skateboard shop here in Austin.
Guess you could buy one from these guys if you were in the market for an army of bunnies.
All right! I got the zines done and ready. I also ditched the T-shirt idea in favor of a hat. I am still going to make some Fairdale T-shirts, but for the sake of the zine package a one size fits all hat is so much easier.
Ahhh… but what kind of hat is it?
Its probably not a coonskin hat. But it shall remain a mystery unless you order one.
So here’s the deal; if you would like just the zine you can go ahead and mail $3 to Fairdale and I will send you one out by mail.
If you would like the ultra exclusive limited edition mystery Fairdale hat and zine package then send a money order for $15. You should make that money order out to our host site Odyssey BMX as they handle all the money. Hopefully I’ll be able to add a credit card purchasing option too.
Mail to: Fairdale, 4204 Manchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704
Please note: If you are ordering outside of the USA you should email me because shipping will be more and we’ll have to figure that out before I can send it. Fairdale@Odysseybmx.com
$3 for a zine.
$15 money order made out to Odyssey BMX for a zine and limited edition Fairdale mystery hat.
Mail to: Fairdale, 4204 Manchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704
If you are lucky we didn’t make the mystery hat a sumo wrestler!
Any questions feel free to email me: Fairdale@Odysseybmx.com
I got zines in stock! 68 pages of Fairdaleness and whatever I wanted to put in there. Now I don’t really know what to do with them…
Working on a t-shirt to go with them that I can sell as a package deal. Few more days and I’ll have this figured out.
I did get a Fairdale T the other day, but it has actually nothing to do with this website. Its a highschool in Kentucky or something. You can get all kind of custom school t-shirts from this website: http://www.prepsportswear.com/
I’m still quite a fan of the Michigan school who’s mascot is a the Nimrod.
Some funny Odyssey bootleg T’s too.