
Complex’s Top 25 BMX Riders Right Now November 10, 2011

I wrote a little article over at Complex. I’m sure it will stir up some opinions and it was very difficult to try and come up with a list like that. There is some amazing riding videos in there for sure! The riding level in BMX has come sooo far! The 25 Best BMX Riders Right Now


Signs November 8, 2011

Cick-ass Corgi November 5, 2011

Got sent this sweet bit of Corgi action from Prollyisnotprobably. Thanks Mr. Prolly!

Turbo powered November 4, 2011

Designing and spec-ing all the parts on a bike can be a lot of fun. It’s also a constant trade off where you battle with cost vs. quality. You want to use the best quality parts available, but you don’t want to design a bike that is too expensive.


Fairdale Messenger Bag November 4, 2011

Check out the Fairdale Messenger Bike Bag (MSRP $69.99).
We’ve taken the traditional messenger bag to the next level. Now you can actually carry your messenger bike with you everywhere you go. Let’s face it, riding a fixed gear is hard. Now you can have the style of messenger without having to actually ride the bike.


How to buy a fixed-gear bike November 2, 2011

I wrote a little article for Complex on how to buy a fixed-gear bike. The majority of the tips apply to bike shopping in general. Incidentally none of the Fairdale bikes are fixed but you could throw a fixed cog on the other side of the hub if you were into that kind of thing. Check out the story here.


Oh yeah, you can still win the Riot bike from Karma Loop (which is a one of kind fixed Fairdale) here.

Fun event coming up from LOOP October 31, 2011

The Project Loop is a pretty amazing group that among other things is teaching kids from the local high school how to build a pump track. If only dirt jump building had been an option on my high school curriculum!

They also helped us out at the Texas Toast Jam with a lot of helpful volunteer work AND are putting together a box jump and mini ramp for the Fun Fun Fun Fest coming up this weekend. Everyone here in the office is pretty excited to do some box jumping right next to the Slayer stage.

Anyway, all this good stuff and there’s even more. Coming up in a couple weeks they are going to throw a benefit for the disastrous Bastrop fires just outside of Austin. So come out to the event for some good music, BBQ and see if high school kids really can build dirt jumps.

Perry Doom flashback October 31, 2011

Perry Mervar – AFA Austin, TX 1989 from 990Adjustments on Vimeo.

I don’t feel like I get to see enough Perry Dooms these days (jumping from back pegs to grip ride). It would be even more impressive with 10 inch tall bars. Its a great run from back in the day, but check 02:19 especially.

Fairdale’s new dealer in the UK. Sibot BMX October 28, 2011

Sibot BMX in the UK just stocked up on some Fairdales. Pretty stoked to see this stuff getting out worldwide.

I highly recommend checking out this cool shop: Sibot BMX . Thanks for supporting us too!

Afro Pat Fairdale Art October 27, 2011

I got sent some really cool Fairdale art from my buddy and legendary BMX innovator Afro Pat. Pretty stoked!

Bonus: I did a Google image search for Pat Schreader to find a picture of him and it auto corrected my search to Fat Shredder. Hmmmmm….