
New Zealand Bicycle Tour with Sandy Carson January 12, 2012

And now here’s part 2 of Sandy Carson’s down under cycling tour adventure (you can catch Part 1 here)…

The 2 weeks flew by in Australia and I was already regretting only having a week to enjoy New Zealand’s South Island as I flew in. I’ve always wanted explore NZ and i’m sure it won’t be the last. Need. More. Time. ugh!

Flying over the glaciers and making a to do list. Hike, ride, explore, skydive? getting ADD already.


Fairdale’s Tour of Australia January 11, 2012

So let’s see… to be fair Sandy Carson’s bicycle tour of Australia/ New Zealand was before he was actually on the Fairdale team and he’s not actually on a Fairdale. Still, his bike does have a Fairdale sticker on it and he had a great adventure we want to show you. Plus, yes, he is almost officially on the Fairdale team that we are starting of awesome people who ride bikes. Once he signs his contract we’ll give you a good bunch of info on BMX legend/ Austin’s favorite photographer/ veggie powered cyclist Sandy Carson.

Check out Sandy’s trip through his photos and words below. Part 2 which covers his New Zealand leg will be here sometime next week- Taj


Camping on the Weekender January 11, 2012

In an effort to test our new Weekender model as much as possible before full production I lent my personal steed out for the weekend. This gave the Weekender a chance to live up to its name and prove its stuff. Full Factory’s Logan and his pup Hershal took the bike and my Bob trailer for a 100+ mile ride to a camp ground up north of Austin (Upper Colorado Bend State Park). They traveled with everything they needed for a camping weekend. Logan said the ride was good except that the loaded trailer with dog on board made standing hill climbs difficult. Since his route went through the thick of Texas hill country he spent a lot of time grinding away in the small gears. The ride proved to be quite an adventure and he managed to spend a relaxing weekend with his dog camping and then head back to Austin. Not bad!

Sounds like a lot of fun… I think I might be doing something very similar very soon.

Thanks to Andrew Brady for the pic!

Finally, a crabon fiber couch January 9, 2012

Found this beauty on the internet. Carbon fiber bikes with leather seats and carbon fiber couches with leather seats. You’re life could be complete! Actually pretty interesting construction techniques if you find this kind of thing interesting like I do :

No SOUP For You January 6, 2012

Hey Bike shops… Skaterack at QBP January 3, 2012

Our wonderful little Skaterack  just got a little easier to get. QBP the world’s largest seller of bicycle parts to bike shops just added it to their inventory. Just search out Fairdale. If you’re just a person (and not a whole bike shop) this means that pretty much any bike shop you might walk into can order you a Skaterack at a moments notice.


Jock Strap Inspector December 28, 2011

As often happens at Fairdale today’s morning began with one of my co-workers researching the origins of the jock strap. According to the “Bike” Athletic company which has sold over 300 million jock straps the athletic supporter was invented  by them 1874. The purpose was so that “bicycle jockeys” could endure the bone-shaking ball-breaking abuse from riding on cobblestone streets. Bike’s enlightening history is here.


Happy Christmas from Fairdale December 22, 2011

For Christmas I got Monty a new Bob trailer. 10 Miles to and from work is a bit much for those stumpy legs and unfortunately the Dograck didn’t really work that well. I made the above christmas card to you all inspired by how we’re about to ride home.


Rainy day… peeing on stuff December 19, 2011

Just had a little meeting across town and had to clip on my fenders for some rain riding. On my way home a car ran a stop sign and almost got me. I instinctively death gripped both brake levers when I saw what was about to happen. Before the brakes had even engaged it flashed through my mind that it was raining and my brakes weren’t going to work. Luckily, as fast as I thought that they did start working. So stoked on disc brakes in the rain! Those things stopped so well! Almost never rains here in Austin so I don’t really get to see that other benefit of disc brakes. Fairdale Weekender above coming early next year.

The other good thing to do with rainy days is make mischief with photoshop! Made this Fairdale ad as a joke on Prolly is Not Probably. Like as if we had the ad space above him this is what our ad would look like.  We did actually send in our first ad to Urban Velo and so you can check us out in print in january. Not sure if it will be so urine focused.

The bike we never meant to make December 19, 2011

Prolly is Not Probably sent us over some awesome photos of our buddy Hern riding a Fairdale. He’s not riding it the usual way though as he’s converted his Parser Express into a single-speed fixed-gear cyclo-cross bike.
