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  Empire Mural Day 4Well, to be honest I didn’t accomplish a whole lot on the Empire mural today… or at least it doesn’t really look any different. So here instead is a picture of Monty getting ready to head home from last night.
  Empire Mural Day 3Today I showed up to empire and just started drawing on the wall. Didn’t really have too much of a plan but knew I needed to fit 19 people on there (Empire team and Empire family).
  Empire Mural Day 2Spent a little bit of time up at Empire and got to this point on day 2. I guess if we take my sketch a little further its heading for something like this…
  Empire MuralOver the next few days (or maybe weeks) I’m going to be spending some spare time up at Empire BMX working on a mural over the upstairs mini ramp. Should be lots of fun. Today was my first day and the results are pretty boring.
  Every Pedal Moves You CloserStill sketching… need to make some dam Fairdale T-shirts! Like these here!
  A few drawings for the morningI’ve been trying to think of a tag line for Fairdale… something like above… or “Every Pedal Moves You Closer”
  Internet VacationThanks to the internet being on vacation yesterday I spent some time doodling and trying to get my creative juices flowing. Fairdale needs some new t-shirt designs and I’m trying to get something going.
  Sandy Carson is on the teamLong time friend and all around great guy Sandy Carson is now a part of Fairdale’s team. It’s true that we don’t really have a team but starting right now we are going to begin putting together a small group of awesome folks who like to ride bikes.
  New Zealand Bicycle Tour with Sandy CarsonAnd now here’s part 2 of Sandy Carson’s down under cycling tour adventure (you can catch Part 1 here)… The 2 weeks flew by in Australia and I was already regretting only having a week to enjoy New Zealand’s South Island as I flew in. I’ve always wanted explore NZ and i’m sure it won’t […]
  Fairdale’s Tour of AustraliaSo let’s see… to be fair Sandy Carson’s bicycle tour of Australia/ New Zealand was before he was actually on the Fairdale team and he’s not actually on a Fairdale. Still, his bike does have a Fairdale sticker on it and he had a great adventure we want to show you. Plus, yes, he is […]
  Camping on the WeekenderIn an effort to test our new Weekender model as much as possible before full production I lent my personal steed out for the weekend. This gave the Weekender a chance to live up to its name and prove its stuff. Full Factory’s Logan and his pup Hershal took the bike and my Bob trailer […]
  Finally, a crabon fiber couchFound this beauty on the internet. Carbon fiber bikes with leather seats and carbon fiber couches with leather seats. You’re life could be complete! Actually pretty interesting construction techniques if you find this kind of thing interesting like I do :