When I think of riding a tandem I think of laughing out loud at how goofy it feels. Whether it’s that spooky out of control feeling of being on the back seat with handlebars that don’t steer, or the silly “oh shit” feeling you have trying to steer and control a tandem from the front it is always a riot. It got me thinking that Fairdale should have a tandem… at least one for us to play on here at the office. A couple of Flyer bikes were in front of me and I realized could probably plug them together pretty easily.
Flyer Tandem Project April 12, 2013
Leif Valin rides the new Terra-Cotta Coaster April 5, 2013
Fairdale will be at the Spin Urban Cycle show March 5, 2013
The Spin Bicycle Show will be happening in London on May 4th-5th.
Check out Fairdale’s on display and their UK launch through Triton Imports.
Denver drive to NAHBBS February 28, 2013
Monty and I took a drive from Austin out to Denver to visit Fairdale rider Leif Valin and check out the NAHBBS.
The drive was extremely peaceful since a lot of it is through the desert in West Texas. Took my time and stopped a lot to wander around.
Taj interview on Rapha February 11, 2013
Taj got a little interview over on the Rapha website about Fairdale. Check it out here: http://www.rapha.cc/taj-mihelich
Thanks to George Marshall of the Albion for the photo.
Flyer Review in Bicycle Times February 6, 2013
The new Bicycle Times magazine has a review of the Fairdale Flyer. We’re really honored by their words and feel like they captured the intent of the Flyer perfectly. “I fell in love with the bike on the first pedal stroke,” and, “…the bike put a smile on my face every time I mounted it.” Aside from all the obvious stroking and mounting jokes we truly appreciate the love from BT. Check out the full review below and pick up an issue too!
Sandy Carson Interview January 28, 2013
Team rider Sandy Carson scored a really great interview over at the Full Frame Collective. Check it out!
Ryan living the adventure life January 28, 2013
Our team rider Ryan Worcester is one of the masters of adventure. And he’s a damn fine photographer. Here’s a few snaps from recent days that show you a bit of what we mean. From BMX to mountain climbing in Hawaii to skiing the Northwest. What a ride!
Seth update January 25, 2013
Somewhere up on the most likely cold and rainy streets of Seattle our team rider Seth Holton is making a living riding bikes around. Ryan Worcester visited him and took some great photos for us.