Fairdale’s Tour of Australia
So let’s see… to be fair Sandy Carson’s bicycle tour of Australia/ New Zealand was before he was actually on the Fairdale team and he’s not actually on a Fairdale. Still, his bike does have a Fairdale sticker on it and he had a great adventure we want to show you. Plus, yes, he is almost officially on the Fairdale team that we are starting of awesome people who ride bikes. Once he signs his contract we’ll give you a good bunch of info on BMX legend/ Austin’s favorite photographer/ veggie powered cyclist Sandy Carson.
Check out Sandy’s trip through his photos and words below. Part 2 which covers his New Zealand leg will be here sometime next week- Taj
Australia/New Zealand bike tour 2011.
I had been sitting on a free ticket to Australia for 2 years and was trying to find a window to cash it in. It was a trade for shooting my good friends Jamie & Meagan’s wedding here in the States. I can’t think of a more epic barter, thanks guys! Besides, it got me off my ass to go back down under since the Federal Bike Bmx tour in 2003. This time I wanted to see the coast and cities on big wheels this time instead of BMX, put some miles in, camp out and be a weirdo with my camera. As It was the tail end of the summer down there and had a small window to do it in, so I booked up for a 3 week solo mission,( 2 in Australia and one in New Zealand). It’s a long trip there, so you might as well make the most of it. Here are some point n shoot digi pics I shot along the way. My film stuff can be seen on my tumblr page. Thanks for reading, Now get pedaling.
This is all the rubbish I took on the road for 3 weeks. Tent, sleeping pad, 2 panniers with some clothes, waterproofs, 2 cameras, film, some tools and a map, but no cell phone- Stoked! And a gallon of sunscreen cos you know the ozone is amazing down under.
Anxiety. That’s a long way over water from LA to OZ, luckily there were no plane crash movies as inflight entertainment.
…instead they featured one of my favorite photographers, Chris Jordan. He talked about carbon footprints which seemed ironic since it was shown on a plane.
It’s always a good sign to see your bike make it on the other side.
On arrival at Adelaide, South Australia, the first thing I did was put my bike together and test ride it against sand and salt water, since it had never seen either.
This is my host and good buddy Jamie ‘Chiv’ Moore who owns a killer BMX Distribution –Stowaway.
I dare say I would wear a helmet too if I had junk this big!
There is so much goin on here. TheT1 Crew were staying at Jamie’s and parting down on their last night of their own OZ bmx tour. That rug is from a portrait I shot from of Jamie and Megs wedding. Ruben Alcantara is having a giggle fit about how funny It’d be to hilarious print another rug with this photo on it!. hahahaha
Yes, the secret is out, Ruben has magnetic teef.
Tom Dugan taking his tailwhip nibble stick skills to the streets.
Australia’s #1 food. I feel a curry coma coming on.
Another Austin Texas legend Eric ‘Wheelieman’ Mills was in town cruising the Adelaide promenade.
cryptic penis art in Adelaide.
Brighton Beach. Where are the Mods & Rockers?
I had no idea Chase hawk was so popular down under, or had some kind of fitness Cult with Taj’s Dog Roscoe, as a mascot! Bizarre.
I ran into my old Federal Bikes team mate Brad Grantham. Aint see that fool for years. I miss this dude.
4.20 + Hungry Man man = Massive Meat Pie. Must be for Stoner rugby players?
I took the train trip to Melbourne from Adelaide across the southeast of the country to hang with my buddies and start my bike tour. Right off the bat I was immediately approached by some Japanese tourists who wanted to take photos with me as some sort of ginger tourist attraction!?!. Sandy-tori time!
‘Then he took photos of us while we took photo of him!’
Melbourne view from the Shrine of remembrance.
This is Paul Robertson, an ole BMX pal of mine from Scotland, we go way back. His dog ‘Buddy’AKA ‘Dog Man’ like to munch on visitors socks and ‘poofy treats’. He also doubles as a briefcase. Pauline is on the computer here googling how long it takes for a dog to pass a sock.
whit a noggin on this dug. It’s like Spitnik!
Here’s Paul’s shop. Strictly BMX, dialed set up. Granite city boy done good!
There was an Etnies Skate Tour Demo goin off at Prahran skatepark where Ryan Sheckler was mobbed by a teenager. Spewin that I missed it, as I was too busy roaching this kid’s flashes for a badly times skate photo.
You need 3D specks for this one.
Some local art in the Brunswick district of Melbourne.
Pedaling around Melbourne’s version of Austin- St Kilda’s. Luna park has been scaring little kids for almost 100 years. that’s a Creepy mouth to enter if ever I saw one.
Stopped by the Melbourne Center For Photography to have a gander. I’m not sure if this is a Banksy piece but it looked after my bike while i went inside.
Rubik’s cube on steroids. Melbourne Museum.
Ruben’s new psychedelic bike was parked outside Anchor BMX. I have no doubt he can shred this thing without cranks, after all he’s muthafuckin Ruben.
Did someone lose their purse?
This place was splendid. Lentil As Anything, a non profit Vegan, pay as you feel buffet In Melbourne.
The T1 crew, doing their best Metal Bikes road trip push start impersonation on a full belly of lentils. Where’s Jimmy?
Taking the train from Melbourne to Geelong to avoid the highway and start the Great Ocean Road ride. First of many photos of my bike in front of anything memorable. This is known as a “Wooster shot” coined from the great epic mentor Ryan Worcester who started placing his bike in many of his epic landscapes.
das route.
Getting ready to work on my tan.
Here we go again. “Can we take a photo with group photo with you, are you Scottish?” What makes you think that?
Some ugly beach I had lunch at.
Is he Ruben? Is he Cuban?
This is Colin, we met somewhere near Lorne. He was such a road warrior and on his last leg of an entire loop of Australia. He had some cool stories and made me feel like such a pussy. That rig is awesome.
Wye River sunrise.
Pfft, single rainbows are so over, didn’t you know.
I hitchhiked with this nutty family from Apollo Bay to The 12 Apostles through the rain forest. I was a white knuckle rollercoaster through some hairpin turns. The ‘Joe Mangle’ look a like Dad, was chugging stubbies (beers) while his 4 kids were asking me wild questions all the way there. That’s my bike on the roof of the yute, minus my waterbottles that went flying. Blimey!
Pulled it to the anti climactic 12 apostles, for a tourist shot as it started raining. There was only 8 apostles left standing and the whole scene was really rammed with tourists. Ho hum.
token night shot.
quality digs.
My one and only wild Kangaroo sighting of the whole trip, heading back through the forest towards to Apollo bay.
Jeaous Koala.
Crimson Rosella.
for real, no it’s a meal!
Got to Apollo bay after a pretty intense hill bomb from Layers Hill. Was looking for a good retro hostel to break out the Hasselblad. Woop there it is.
The hostel was full but the Landlord, Reggie let me set up in his yard for a tenner! Here’s how to put a tent up in lycra (Benny Hill style). Note to self-Please remember to check grass for dog logs next time.
Breakfast at Apollo Bay Backpackers. Time to CARB!
This is Rocky, the Hostel’s house cat. He was a bad ass and had cancer, poor we guy. All the backpackers were scared to touch him.
Hope he’s still around. Dude was a lap hog.
Bit of Aussie humor. Canny beat it. What next, more Penis Drawings?
Okay this surfing lark looks like fun, never tried it, but when in Rome. Might as well give it a go before i hit the road.
Surfing cherry popped. This shit looks easy but it’s way hard and i can see how you could get hooked.
I was happy to be back in Melbourne for a coupe of days to eat something other than peanut butter and roadie nibbles.
This is Boinga Bob’s temple. The P’s took me here right before I left Oz for Nz. A cosmic wood carving artist- Boinga Bob created this settlement and lives in it. It reminded me of Austin’s cathedral of Junk. I can see a retirement home for Taj here.
that’s wot she said.
Went to a wildlife refuge to see some critters. I thought Tasmanian Devils were just fictional flash tattoos you get when you are wasted?
Crapman vs curry man. Who would win?
Quality graffiti at Northcote skatepark.
Paul getting his nose picked by Mr Whippy.
My token BMX riding snapshot for the trip. Thanks for the photo, Paul!
More Brunswick art.
There she is! Australia’s finest. No trip to OZ would be complete without a Kylie sighting.
Part 2: New Zealand coming sometime next week!