Searching through some old drawing books I found some original sketches for our Swan badge. Fairdale is 5 years old now and we’ve done lots of growing and changing since then. One item that has stayed consistent is our headtube badge.
News / r+d
Our Swan Badge October 9, 2015
Research and Design series coming soon… January 8, 2013
Even after spending half my life as a professional bike rider I still feel overwhelmed when I walk into a bicycle shop. Such an overload of technology, sizes, springy things I don’t understand, and a dizzying array of prices. On one level I think it’s all pretty amazing. I can nerd out with the best of them on all the cool new gadgets and spaceship bikes. On another level I find it all a bit discouraging. I have to say that most of my best memories about bicycles stem from the simplicity of the bike ride. There really is something special about riding a bike… I’ve spent far too much time trying to figure out what exactly it is. Your body powering you, the natural balance, the peacefulness, and the forgetting of everything that complicates life…. some combination of those things and probably more….
Pannier Skaterack – Video how to November 2, 2011
CH4D Treanor helped us out with a little promo for the Skaterack. Gives a little insight into our intense R+D program too.