News / Leif Valin

Leif Valin NCR Trail and Heritage Rail ride July 19, 2012

Leif Valin took a nice cruise while out on the East Coast and sent us a little photo essay.

“Good little 45 mile ride from Baltimore to York, mostly under a canopy of trees passing through little towns. I started in Hunt Valley on the NCR trail which later turns in to the Heritage Rail Trail, I suggest this route to anyone around the area or passing through, a stress free scenery filled ride. 

I met some nice people and animals along my ride and my heart was beating the entire time! good day!”



Leif Valin photos and art April 9, 2012

Leif Valin sent us some photos and art. Enjoy… and check out Pig Log!


Leif Valin’s Daily Adventure November 18, 2011

Leif Valin wrote a very entertaining story about his daily commute. Leif is surely one our most favorite riders and now he has become one of our favorite writers as well. He puts into words what we see on our daily commute. If it’s by car the best you can hope for is to get home without being more stressed out by terrible drivers. When we make the trip by bike at least you feel like you did something and usually it’s pretty fun.


Completely random things August 3, 2010

I admit that the Fairdale blog makes no qualms about being random. Full stop. What the hell is a qualm and why am I using that figure of speech?

Here’s a few things I really couldn’t find a place for.

I got asked to design a print for a napkin. I have no idea what should be on a napkin so I drew this and scrapped it because it doesn’t seem very good.

Leif sent this asparagus drawing. This could be on a napkin I think.

Hmmm, maybe this isn’t so random after all. Everyone is talking about food aren’t they?

It might be love. Another submission from Leif and a I’m sure this has a story but I can’t guess what it is.

Found this digging around in some old files. Some shirt art I drew for Dig years and years ago.

And last I’ll leave you with a little animated video Leif sent in. I like the music.

More Leif, and a bike I really want someone to build me. July 23, 2010

A little impromptu collaboration. Leif drew the hairy dude on the left, I got a lady in a rabbit suit on the right.

And would someone please build me this bike!!!