News / Fairdale Friends

Cache’s Chickens November 1, 2016

If you explore Los Angeles a bit, you may notice some very large chickens posted up around town. They’re the work of Cache, an LA based artist from Guatemala. He has a penchant for bright colors, spray cans, and of course, bicycles.


Fairdale for cruising October 3, 2011

Our friend Nuno takes his Fairdale for a cruise.

Mary & her Fairdale September 27, 2011


We have a series of quick 30 second promos lined up showcasing the many different ways people use their Fairdales. The first one in the series is Mary riding around her Parser Black to enjoy the sunset.

If you happen to have a YouTube account, add FairdaleBoom and we’ll keep you up to date as we release more videos.


Music by The Redneck Manifesto