Our flagship Parser Express got a review over on Road.cc . We’re always grateful when folks take time to check out our bikes so thanks guys!
We love the Express… such a tough bike with nothing you’re going to wear out after a few rides. Check out the full story here: http://road.cc/content/review/87286-fairdale-parser-express
Want to learn more about our bikes? We just uploaded some casually informative videos explaining them.
You can find the videos with each bike in our catalog or…. go ahead and nerd out and watch them below…
Flyer and
Flyer Step-through
Parser Black and Parser Express videos will be up in a couple days.

There’s a nice test ride review/ interview about the Fairdale Parser Express over on the Bicycle Sport Shop blog.
Check it out here.

Production samples of the Fairdale Parser’s have arrived. The bikes will not be available to buy until sometime around May, but bike shops can pre-order them now if you are interested in reserving one from the first batch.