Our team rider Leif just rode the very exclusive Dolores 100 self-supported mountain bike adventure. The race centered around Dolores, CO and included about 9 billion feet of climbing. He did the ride with his girlfriend (Jonesy Pants) in 12 hours and 20 minutes. Somehow they had energy after the race to stop and do some more riding on the way home in Kenosha Pass and at a friend’s place in Durango. Read more to see some of the wilderness few people get to ride.
Cabin on the river
McPhee Reservoir
Faster than a speeding panorama
Snacking on Dolores* [Product Placement]
Danzig Rides
Speeding Jonesy Pants
Other side of McPhee
Remote Chiropractor
Jonesy in the Trees
Golden Hour in the Dolores 100
Leif pondering the moon
Miles from the finish
Jonesy meets Jerry Lee the excellent Italian Greyhound
"Hey man"
Coffee guard dogs
Coffe wars
Coffe guard deer
Refectors at Engineer
Snack time at Engineer* [Product placement]
Engineer view
Fall guides (or Ace of Aspen)
Good words
Gradient leaves
Hobo MTB project
Humans have dumpster diving competition
Into the gold
Jonesy Pants in the gold trees
Jonesy and Tina at Engineer
Jabba the Hot Springs
Leif at Jabba the Hot Springs
Listening to the Elk bugle
Loaded up
Lonely robot
Mountain showers
Nice road views
Tina and Jonesy escape the Aspens. Extra thanks to the Ooleys for being our rad friends and letting us drink their coffee.
This dude
Turtle with tube socks