Leif Valin rides the new Terra-Cotta Coaster



Leif Valin took our new Terra-Cotta Coaster out for a spin and sent us some nice photos.


Took a little ride out to Morrison Colorado on my Fairdale Coaster with my friend Mia on a nice sunny day.

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Rode up some hills, coasted down some hills, did some woollies, had some fun on my coaster, some times the simplest is the best! No fart rate monitors or Strava recordings, no brake levers, (more aero?) just simple bike riding fun.




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We had some ice cream and coffee in Morrison,hiked around a bit for some great views generally took it easy.rack talk-MG_2941 copy

Mia almost got eaten by a prehistoric bird while taking care of business on the phone while riding! Luckily I snapped a pic before it flew off or you might not believe me.where-my-prarie-dogs-at

Watched some Prairie Dogs playing and talking to each other,cool buddies. They have a good warning system for all their neighbors, they start chirping and squeaking like mad when perceived danger is around,run,run,run,it translates.
