New Team Rider: LEIF VALIN
I’m not even gonna’ try to hide it anymore, the people I put on the Fairdale team are really just plain awesome people. It just so happens that their lives are tied to a cycling and that they are really good bike riders. They’re the kind of people you’d want to hang out with even if they didn’t ride bikes… We’re way stoked to announce our new team rider Leif Valin. Truly one of the funniest people in existence and has a lifetime of cycling history. From BMX to bicycle portaging like the photo above, Leif does it all.
Further more Leif is going to help us out in the R+D department. His experience designing bikes, riding them and wrenching on them will be great for us to add to our design department. Check out his team page here and some Leif videos below.
Check out some real bike mastery. Amazing riding from Leif.
Human Bike Link.
Magic wheel to bicycle transfer:
skateboard/magic wheel/skateboard:
skateboard/magic wheel/skateboard: