Janice & her Weekender
To launch the R+D section we’re starting pretty tame, but I’m sure some folks will find it very useful. We set our friend Janice up with a new Weekender bike and we are going to document her experience with it. She rides her bike for transportation everyday but says she doesn’t know a lot about bikes. We actually think that she has a lot to teach us about bikes by helping us remember what it’s like to not be immersed all day in the bicycle industry. We figure we can show her some cool ways to make the bike more comfortable for her, more functional and more fun. Adding racks, fenders, adjusting the fit are all relatively simple things to bike nerds like us, but can be a bit daunting for riders who haven’t ever worked on their own bike or who don’t know those options even exist. We’ll help her customize her bike into a machine she’s happy to ride everyday, and in return we’ll have the educational experience to see our bikes though the eyes of one of our customers.