Ragbrai Day 6

Nothing to do in your hometown? Well you sure as hell cant scoot, ride or skate here either

Nothing to do in your hometown? Well you sure as hell cant scoot, ride or skate here either

Cedar Rapids to Anamosa 43 Miles

Today started off wonderfully, the cool air seemed to hang through the first fifteen miles. Staying so close to the winding river kept the first stretch of the day’s brief 43 miles considerably more relaxing than expected. We passed a few interesting information booths from local groups passing out information on various human things. Ending corporate personhood table topped my list of things that gave me hope on the ride.

cool morning leaving our river valley campsite

cool morning leaving our river valley campsite

Today was the shortest day of the trip so the pace was a bit more relaxed. It was nice to have more time to look at things than normal. I think a lot of humans have misconceptions about Iowa. Each hill we came across held another picturesque landscape that you felt really captured what the Midwest was about. There are endless fields of rolling hills covered with dense green corn, Bright red barns and white picket fences surround quaint farm houses that contain some nice people.

a mean green machine and myself in the background

a mean green machine and myself in the background

After a brief stop in Mt. Vernon as we neared Anamosa we came across the greatest road side attraction of the trip. It was a 300 foot long slip and slide in someone’s front yard, needless to say the disc brakes of the Fairdale weekender were put to the test as Logan slowed to pull into the driveway. Fun was had, as you can imagine. I love Iowa.

these wonderful ladies could be your neighbor, they were posted on a bridge just outside of an area heavily affected by the flooding in 2008. They were spreading awareness about a movement to end corporate personhood… that’s something I can really get behind. Well done Cedar Rapids, Well done.

these wonderful ladies could be your neighbor, they were posted on a bridge just outside of an area heavily affected by the flooding in 2008. They were spreading awareness about a movement to end corporate personhood… that’s something I can really get behind. Well done Cedar Rapids, Well done.

We set up camp in the local high school and decided to wander around town and see what there was to see. I did a bit of partying myself and things got a bit out of hand but Logan saved the day and decided we should head back and get some shut eye shortly after the sun fell. With the slip and slide provided shower we fell asleep feeling refreshed, it was a great day.

signs on the front of vacant buildings surrounding Cedar Rapids

signs on the front of vacant buildings surrounding Cedar Rapids

Oh really?

Oh really?


Look at this dog!!! I was lurking in the background, shout out to the guy who helped out out with the photo

Look at this dog!!! I was lurking in the background, shout out to the guy who helped out out with the photo

Trailer Hauler, a Tandem, and a recumbent… there were all sorts of human powered machines on the ride

Trailer Hauler, a Tandem, and a recumbent… there were all sorts of human powered machines on the ride

Diligently guarding the bike while Logan scurried off into another corn field

Diligently guarding the bike while Logan scurried off into another corn field

taking a break from the hot day.

taking a break from the hot day.

the soap made it better than any shower Logan had all week.

the soap made it better than any shower Logan had all week.

Across the state of Iowa on a fat tired bike!

Across the state of Iowa on a fat tired bike!

Camp in Anamosa

Camp in Anamosa

I did a little partying after today's ride.

I did a little partying after today's ride.

Space age design!

Space age design!