Driving out east

Got on the road from Michigan (after Fed Ex brought me a new credit card to replace my stolen one) and started working my way east.

I stopped off at Spin Bike Shop in Lakewood, OH. I like that shop a lot so hopefully they will give Fairdale a try.

After that had a pretty beautiful drive through the middle of Pennsylvania. I almost moved out here a few times and seeing it so nice and green on my drive made me want to stay longer for sure.

Outside of a hotel stop for one night I pretty much just motored on through Pennsylvania. Stopped off on the eastern edge to visit Bethlehem. B-town was looking good! It’s been years since I lived there and it’s changed so much. I really didn’t recognize the place.


Had some lunch with my old friend Price and then visited Kyle who is busy getting ready to open Kurent BMX in downtown Bethlehem.

He’s already ordered some Fairdales so we’re all good there!

Powered on into NYC and had a blast driving the new Fairdale mobile through all the insanity. At one point I was in a construction zone with a 25MPH speed limit doing 60MPH… the drivers behind me were honking because I was going too SLOW! Nothing to do but shift down and get out of the way in a hurry. Stayed with some friends that have a cool apartment in Cobble Hill right near the water. Great views of Manhattan.

Monty was stoked because there was lots of treats and other animals to party with. It worked good for me to because I had a good place to leave him and then wander around the city for the day.

I went all over Manhattan and Brooklyn. Rode the subway like 20 times and walked a million miles. I visited as many bike shops as I could just to get a feel for what’s going on with shops over here. I talked with a few appropriate shops about Fairdale too and I think I have some interested in bringing a little bit of Austin to NYC.

Today I’m heading to New Jersey for Ed’s Games… should be fun to take in some BMX!