Empire Mural
Over the next few days (or maybe weeks) I’m going to be spending some spare time up at Empire BMX working on a mural over the upstairs mini ramp. Should be lots of fun. Today was my first day and the results are pretty boring.
I arrived to the above blank wall armed only with this small pencil sketch. It was raining on the way up there so my sketch got soaked and is almost illegible. It still makes sense to me though so we’ll see where this ends up.
At the end of today’s short day this is all I have for you… a poorly primed wall. How exciting right? From grey to grey-ish white. This was not worth your time to read, sucker! Such is the internet I guess… tons of wasted time, we should all be out pedaling bikes somewhere… or eating pizza. However, from here things can only get more interesting right? More on this project soon hopefully.