Custom Fairdales

Today I did an image search for Fairdale and found these…

Yup, that’s the Fairdale x Riot bike.

Here’s a Fairdale just waiting for an earthquake so it can fall of its bike rack and destroy 5 lesser road bikes in one motion.

This Fairdale wheel is used to cage this murderous hell hound.

This Fairdale got dipped in copper because gold was a bit too show-off-ey.

This Fairdale belongs to a properly decent gentleman.

New bike smile!

Bad Boy Club pose with center pull brakes.

This bike made an awful pogo stick.

This one decided to sit back and relax,

and this one got fast,

and this one got dirty.

A skateboard on board,

and a pizza delivered.

A pro bmxer’s seat angle,

and a pro BMXer’s cranks.

A decked out build with more of those center pull brakes.

A comfy BMX bar build with 4 fingered levers.