Sweet new Kuat Lock and another one too!
Today I swung by the Peddler Bike Shop and had to pick up this new Kuat bottle lock just ’cause it’s so cool.
Obviously cable locks are not the most secure but they are appropriate and convenient sometimes. For instance, when we run to lunch from the office here at OTX there can be anywhere from 3-5 of us going. Having a cable lock is perfect. We usually can see the bike from where we are eating and a cable is perfect for locking up a bunch of bikes at once.
This bottle lock by Kuat is so clever. Cable unravels out of a standard sized water bottle and winds back in by turning the top. Little secret compartment on the bottom holds the keys or a patch kit or something. Super easy to carry on your bike as it simply fits into any water bottle holder. Stoked on this!
BONUS, I got another lock too!
Although this looks at first glance like one of Kryptonite’s mini U-locks it’s actually a piece of crap!
Why am I excited about this you ask? Well, it’s actually a cheapo Palmy lock like the one below.
This lock is a super light and made from aluminum. I reckon I could cut through it in a few minutes with a hack saw. BUT, it’s super light weight. Would be great for riding BMX with… not all heavy like a “real” u-lock. Dressing it up in Kyrptonite’s color skins is a sneaky way to make it look a little less generic (and the it fits perfectly) Might get you through if you actually had to leave your bike somewhere sketchy.
Find the Palmy lock just about anywhere online or bike shops can get it from BTI-USA.com.
I’m making fun of it calling it low quality but it’s still way more secure then a cable lock. Inexpensive too. A handy little lock if you are in a low security situation.