Fairdale custom build on the cheap

I built up a small Parser Black frame and fork for a friend. Built it mostly with parts I found laying around. Granted, not everyone’s bike shed is as full of so many high end bike parts as the Odyssey Austin shed, but I’m pretty stoked on how it came together.

Built it with a Sturmey Archer 2-speed kick back coaster hub so I could skip buying brakes. Also, put a pair of Aaron Ross’s old cranks on the bike (hey, if he left them on the floor…) and of course Twombolts are not cheap cranks. It could have had any old left over crankset thoug and I used a old 35t profile sprocket I had from my mountain bike. Had some 35mm wide tires to put on it too which make it fun on the gravel bike trails around here. All in all a really simple and basic build that makes for a pretty fun bike to ride.