Completely random things

I admit that the Fairdale blog makes no qualms about being random. Full stop. What the hell is a qualm and why am I using that figure of speech?

Here’s a few things I really couldn’t find a place for.

I got asked to design a print for a napkin. I have no idea what should be on a napkin so I drew this and scrapped it because it doesn’t seem very good.

Leif sent this asparagus drawing. This could be on a napkin I think.

Hmmm, maybe this isn’t so random after all. Everyone is talking about food aren’t they?

It might be love. Another submission from Leif and a I’m sure this has a story but I can’t guess what it is.

Found this digging around in some old files. Some shirt art I drew for Dig years and years ago.

And last I’ll leave you with a little animated video Leif sent in. I like the music.