Fairdale Zine #1… how to order one
All right! I got the zines done and ready. I also ditched the T-shirt idea in favor of a hat. I am still going to make some Fairdale T-shirts, but for the sake of the zine package a one size fits all hat is so much easier.
Ahhh… but what kind of hat is it?
Its probably not a coonskin hat. But it shall remain a mystery unless you order one.
So here’s the deal; if you would like just the zine you can go ahead and mail $3 to Fairdale and I will send you one out by mail.
If you would like the ultra exclusive limited edition mystery Fairdale hat and zine package then send a money order for $15. You should make that money order out to our host site Odyssey BMX as they handle all the money. Hopefully I’ll be able to add a credit card purchasing option too.
Mail to: Fairdale, 4204 Manchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704
Please note: If you are ordering outside of the USA you should email me because shipping will be more and we’ll have to figure that out before I can send it. Fairdale@Odysseybmx.com
$3 for a zine.
$15 money order made out to Odyssey BMX for a zine and limited edition Fairdale mystery hat.
Mail to: Fairdale, 4204 Manchaca Rd, Austin, TX 78704
If you are lucky we didn’t make the mystery hat a sumo wrestler!
Any questions feel free to email me: Fairdale@Odysseybmx.com