We have an article in the August 2016 issue of Bicycling. You can find it on page 56 of the print edition, or you can click here to check it out online!
News / fairdalefrance
Bicycling Article! July 19, 2016
Fairdale France July 8, 2016

We took Taj Mihelich, Leif Valin, Sandy Carson, and Chris Cotsonas to the French Alps and celebrated Chris’ birthday in one of the best ways imaginable.
#FairdaleFrance September 2, 2015
If you follow Fairdale on Instagram ( @fairdalebikes ) you might have noticed we were in France recently. 4 of us went over and rode a bunch of famous Tour de France climbs. The trip was truly mind blowing for all of us and we really want to tell you all about it. However, were in a bit of holding pattern right now as the story will be first published in Bicycling Magazine. We’re holding back a lot of great photos, stories and video but it will all be available soon. For what it’s worth, plan a trip to the French Alps now… what an amazing place to ride bikes! There is a great selection of instagram photos from the riders that will give you a bit of taste here: #fairdalefrance